University of London on 18 October 2018, 6.00pm – 8.00pm

The Court Room, First Floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Speaker: Bernhard Fetz (Director, Literary Archives, Austrian National Library)

Biennial Ingeborg Bachmann Centre Lecture


Museums and exhibitions are experiencing a boom all over the world, probably in response to the apparent end of the analogue age and the associated revaluation and auratization of the original. Cultural artefacts are linked to changing attributions of historical and contemporary identities: this can be shown particularly well in regard to Austrian literature: After all, the decision of what should or may be considered Austrian is closely linked to Austrian literature. The designation of carriers of cultural heritage to a national heritage, to a European, or to a globally available globalized cultural asset, is more virulent today than ever before. This point is also relevant in regard to a major national Literature Museum.


Attendance free. Please register online in advance: