A reminder of the Archivist as Interpreter event being held at the BL on Friday 4th March. This event will explore the ways in which archivists and cultural heritage professionals interpret their collections. For more information and to book a place at the event, please see here.
Alice in Wonderland at the BL
Don't forget that the British Library exhibition on Alice in Wonderland in the Front Hall Gallery is still open to explore until April 17th. Curated by Helen Melody, the exhibition celebrates 150 years since the publication of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Find out more about the exhibition here and more about a range of events being put … Continue reading Alice in Wonderland at the BL
Hanif Kureishi on depositing his archive at the British Library
By Rachel Foss, Lead Curator of Modern Literary Manuscripts at the British Library On Wednesday we announced the acquisition of Hanif Kureishi’s Archive at the British Library’s Cultural Highlights preview for 2014. Hanif kindly agreed to join us for the press launch. An early start meant an improvised breakfast in the staff canteen, but over … Continue reading Hanif Kureishi on depositing his archive at the British Library